Apple have launched the latest generation of the MacBook Pro laptops today. This new generation features the new generation of Intel Sandy Bridge Core i5 and Core i7 CPUs and chip set. Alongside the faster CPU is the addition of faster graphics courtesy of the AMD...
Today I am happy to confirm there is a cool new Podcast in town – The ‘NZ Tech Podcast’ which is hosted by myself and Bradley Borrows (Microsoft NZ) and features local + international gadget and technology topics. Topics covered in the first episode include Mobile...
This announcement through this morning from Crown Fibre Holdings: Crown Fibre Holdings (CFH) today confirmed that an additional party has been selected for prioritised negotiations in the UltraFast Broadband (UFB) initiative. This party is Vector Limited, covering the...
Telstra plan to offer a 4G mobile network in Australia from late 2011. Speeds of 60-80 mb/s have been talked about for the new LTE (Long Term Evolution) based network. The announcement was made by Telstra CEO David Thodey at the Mobile World Congress held this...